Many people consider unsatisfactory, as is their nose. Drawing your gaze, it forms the first impression about looks. Even slight defects nullify all natural charm. This often leads to the development of psychological complexes, deprives the chances of success in your personal life and in Kar Yeri. Not everyone is ready to go under the surgeon's knife, besides not in all cases necessary. Non-surgical rhinoplasty nose allows you to fix many common Wadi without pain and high cost.


The benefits of non-surgical methods

Rhinoplasty without surgery is a gentle correction does not affect the bone. The cuts do not exist. Fabric does not repay the debt. Cartilaginous structures are exposed to only when hormonal injection. Nonsurgical method has a minimum of contraindications. Minor defects it provides a good aesthetic result. The cost is lower than in the case of surgery. Side effects are rare.

Often the non-invasive method of circulating fillers or resorbable thread. If the original result is not upheld in full, the procedure can be performed with the new requirements. Sparing rhinoplasty does not require lengthy training. General anesthesia is not necessary (sufficient local anesthesia). Manipulation and rehabilitation after them takes the least time.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty with fillers is carried out using various drugs, allowing you to select them individually. Some injections have a positive effect on the skin, which provides additional aesthetic effect.

The disadvantages of this method a little bit. Delicate correction beyond severe defects. When using biocompatible with the tissues of the drugs the treatment provides a temporary effect (which cannot be considered an absolute disadvantage). May be allergic to drugs (in this case, it is sufficient to select a different active ingredient or a different method).

Conducts rhinoplasty nose without surgery have experienced surgeon – it requires extremely high precision. Errors lead to a deterioration of the aesthetics of the nose: symmetry breaking, the appearance of unsightly contour, dips and mounds. Perhaps the development of complications.


With the help of non-surgical rhinoplasty nose:

Indications for non-surgical rhinoplasty
  • roughness remaining after surgery;
  • to correct minor defects arising after injuries or from birth.

Non-surgical type of correction used when making minor changes. With gentle rhinoplasty manages to eliminate the excess subcutaneous tissue to give volume and strengthen the frame. It allows you to:

  • to fix lig asymmetry;
  • to turn undernote is up or down, thin or thick tip of the nose;
  • to make a soft softer angle the nose;
  • to eliminate the defects in the Creel of the nose;
  • fill the hollow in the back;
  • to remove visible in ALST skin.


The injection of hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite allow you to spend the next ViDi correction and changes in the profile of the nose:

  • Easy hump. Using injections of hyaluronic gel can slightly lift the back of the nose above the hump. Thus, the initial hump remains, but visually it's a bit disguised. The result is a generally straight, evenly down the back of the nose.
  • The saddle nose. Typical saddle nose hole in the back of the nose can be aligned with injections of hyaluronic gel. To compensate for Ob mu too flat or strongly curved back of the nose you can also use injection therapy.
  • A wide nasal bridge. Too wide the bridge of the nose with injections of hyaluronic gel can be given a new, narrower end. However, this is accompanied by that slightly raised nasal bridge, and therefore may not be suitable in all cases.
  • Flat tip of the nose. Too flat or drooping nasal tip can be raised with hyaluronic gel.
  • Dimples in the nose. If the cartilage of the nose Creel stand out under the skin, resulting dimple on nasal tip and columella can be filled with injections of hyaluronic gel.
  • Asymmetry of the nose. A small asymmetry can be easily corrected with injections of hyaluronic gel on the problematic case, and thus to create mutual harmonious impression.


Offering a non-surgical method, the surgeon takes into account:

Non-surgical rhinoplasty before and after photos
  • the request of the patient;
  • the presence of contraindications to the drugs;
  • individual features of the structure of the nose;
  • the degree of existing deformations.

For solving problems, different methods are used:

  • injectable fillers or hormones;
  • thread;
  • the splints.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid and other fillers is the most popular. Through their introduction cannot increase the volume to fill the irregularities on the back or wings of the nose. In addition to hyaluronic acid used drugs based on collagen and calcium hydroxyapatite (substances useful for human organism). Such compounds of the unity of the bribe for their safety. Their relative disadvantage is the need for re-manipulation in the future.

The result of the introduction of fillers made up of collagen and hyaluronic acid lasts from six months to two years, as the enzymes gradually destroy the filler.

Contour covers a large number of problems.

Long-term results in applying non-surgical methods provide biodegradable fillers. They are based on silicone. Their disadvantage is the impossibility of integration of artificial substances in the tissue of the nose. This leads to the development of fibrosis, which over time disrupts the aesthetics. With this in mind, absorbable fillers are better. They are often used in sparing rhinoplasty.

Safety and long-lasting effect provides autologous fillers (fat tissue). Survives about 70% of the fat cells. The effect of applying non-surgical method is not lost with time. Work is performed in stages. First intake own fat tissue of the patient. The material is then cleaned from impurities (blood, anesthetic) prizhivlyaetsya. The amount is calculated taking into account future losses (30%). The material does not cause allergies.

Rhinoplasty without surgery, based on the introduction of hormonal injections, removes excess tissue (active ingredient softens the cartilage of the structure). This technique requires extremely high precision. The slightest mistake can lead to the penetration of compounds into the tissue outside the adjust zone. This makes the result unpredictable. Increasing the dosage also leads to unpleasant consequences. Only in the clinic with a good reputation, you can count on a predictable result.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty threads allows no injection to raise the tip or give the aesthetics of ugly Creel nose. This technology is safe – materials are fully compatible with human tissues. They do not provoke a negative reaction from the immune system. As a rule, used thread – they are durable, hypoallergenic, safe. For several months after the procedure, there is a new fabric that support the contour of the nose. The threads are made of caprolace (based on material – lactic acid). Over time they dissolve under the action of enzymes. The procedure requires the surgeon professionalism – mistakes can lead to thread breakage, scarring at the injection site, the transmission condition through the skin.


Preparations for sparing rhinoplasty be carried out under the simplified scheme. First, you need to visit the clinic and talk to a doctor. After inspection and connection to ascertain the wishes he will give us direction for diagnostic examination. You may also want to consult a physician and dermatologist. Before using hormonal preparations need to obtain a positive opinion from an endocrinologist. A few days before the manipulation, you should refuse from Smoking, alcohol, intake of blood thinners.


To the procedure went without the slightest discomfort to the patient local anesthesia is used. Before rhinoplasty without surgery place puncture treated with antiseptic.

How is sparing rhinoplasty

On the predetermined areas of the nose to enter the selected drug. For this purpose, a cannula – a thin needle with blunt tip (they are strong and flexible). The cannula eliminates the risk of damage to blood vessels and connective tissues. It is better than normal needle dispenses the drug. The injection site depends on the characteristics of the defect. Non-surgical rhinoplasty nose fillers is not more than an hour. After checking the skin sensitivity of the patient can go home.

For a minor reduction of the nose instead of the fillers are injected hormones. As a rule, need to run some procedures. Progressive correction eliminates the risk of failures. The "extra" m tissue under the effect of the substance dissolved. Hormonal treatments are provided only after consultation of the endocrinologist. Manipulations require a lot of professionalism, you need to accurately calculate the dosage, to choose the correct injection site. For topography smoothing can be used additionally filler.

If in rhinoplasty without surgery used strings, then the first stage is the layout. Then under local anaesthetic under the skin to enter the thread through the hollow cannula. After extraction of the tool it stays in place. Pulling both its end the doctor gets a positive aesthetic effect. The final stage of the thread ends on both sides are fixed and then trimmed. The procedure takes less than an hour. Swelling and bruising after the event do not exist.

Corrective langetti (clips) are widely known. Buy them for self-non-surgical correction. The working principle of mechanical compression of tissues, keeping them in the desired position. The design is made from orthogel, it should be worn up to 4 times a week (duration is 2 hours). During the month the volume of cartilage should be reduced 1-2 mm. In practice fixtures do not bring major changes. An alternative to rhinoplasty it becomes. It should not be confused with the splints used in plastic surgery. They fix the outlines achieved after surgery to protect the tissue. The wear time is usually 7-10 days.


The procedure does not require hospitalization and General anesthesia. The cost of non-surgical rhinoplasty involves the following cost elements:

  • advice;
  • surveys;
  • medicines and their quantity (it depends on the complexity of the defects);
  • anesthesia;
  • consumables;
  • work of a specialist.


Non-surgical nose job in Novorossiysk is performed a specialist. Rehabilitation does not take much time. Immediately after the procedure, you need to relax, putting the nose with cold compress. Bruises connections there are in a few cases (with increased risk to their education). Swelling is absent. In the rhythm of life you can come back the next day after non-surgical correction. The result of rhinoplasty can be seen immediately. Mild discomfort may occur in the first few days. He quickly pass. In the recovery period need the specialties of the situations leading to the injury of the nose and colds.

Within a couple of weeks eliminated the Solarium, beach, bathhouses (saunas). Not to do facial massage, to wear glasses. You should refrain from alcohol and cigarettes. Unwanted heavy physical exertion. Precise recommendations gives the doctor that performed the rhinoplasty.


Non-surgical procedure is safe, but it still affects the structure of tissues, which violates the integrity of the skin. Rhinoplasty nose without surgery or a filler thread has contraindications. It does not do when:

  • Oncology;
  • connective tissue diseases;
  • violation of blood coagulability;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems;
  • respiratory diseases, exacerbation of allergic rhinitis;
  • mental disorders.

Non-surgical procedure will have to be postponed if the rash on the skin of the face and herpes. It is not recommended during menstruation, and also during gestation or nursing. Not carried out the manipulation under the age of 18 years. If in the future the patient will make operating a rhinoplasty, the non-surgical technique to use is impossible. Don't spend it in the presence of previously entered non-absorbable fillers.

Non-surgical nose correction with fillers beyond serious defects, including those that are accompanied with the violation of nasal breathing. The procedure has no result, become an obstacle to the classic rhinoplasty.

Complications of non-surgical techniques include scarring, deformation of the contours of the nose, asymmetry, excessive increase (decrease) in volume. Complications are rare and only in case of insufficient qualification of the expert. The aesthetics of the nose will add a re-sparing rhinoplasty in a good clinic.

Turning to our clinic, each patient receives a customized approach. Experienced surgeon to advise, pick a method, carried out the non-surgical correction to achieve predictable results.